[DCP-21] Ecosystem growth marketing for RADAR

lets be real we aient getting the value for money that i knew we wouldnt get if your paying someone $150 for a tweet post… i should be getting everything u had given too you purely on effort i put in to market radar.

Not being rude but x.com <------your KOLS accounts should of been looking like my account over the months since u been payed.
All they would have to do is repost and retweet and make a few qouted posts possibly even made some orginal ones instead they post a tweet which gets lost in a sea of other tweets there is no focus.

To be honest tho i didnt expect any better of you and the results u are showing me are bad.


Ashley was right… >.>

Anyways im not too bothered lunar try not to take anything i said personaly u just not got very good KOL’s thats all.