[DCP-21] Ecosystem growth marketing for RADAR

we got till 8th of this year i believe, to start seeing what they about with this marketing stuff >.> im keeping a eye on it as well jojo =)

Hey @jojo & @madeafterdeath

We have a lot of initiatives being planned and worked on, we will soon have a larger update once a few of the campaigns has gone live.


Hey community, weā€™re happy to present the first month of marketing efforts.

June has seen many exciting activities and releases from DappRadar, including DappLaunch and the new airdrop product. We have aligned with those releases throughout the month, amplifying the products through organic content and seen good traction.

Weā€™ve collaborated with some great KOLs and excited to increase these collaborations even further.

June report

Best, the Lunar team.


not ideal but ill give more time before i go mentalā€¦

Thank you for the report =)

Iā€™ll be sure to read the next one.


Great feedback. Thereā€™s likely to be some botting on the engagement too, so it would be great to see the quality of engagement included on the report.

Otherwise, really good to see the iterative approach of removing underperforming KOLs to ensure that we get value for money. Focusing on three key selling points of DappRadar helps to create a management narrative and marketing process for the team, looking forward to see how this evolves.

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I donā€™t see any benefits. Likes and replies seem to be all robots. Did not bring any increase in the number of pro users. It seems like a waste of money.

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its been a waste so far mni_Ya i 100% agree. Also welcome to the forum nice to see you =)

But some of team have said give em a chance and we can give em more time to step it up.

You think Iā€™m ok with Ā£100,000 being spent for 9 tweets??? narrr Iā€™m not. Iā€™m just keeping calm and giving them more time.

They havenā€™t finished yetā€¦

And if we just payed them Ā£100,000 for 9 tweets i want funding to make a real team so we can do some real marketing u seen my twitter i legit sit in rooms on live in twitter to attract users to dappradar when they check out my profile soā€¦yerā€¦and i get nothing for doing that at the momentā€¦ dont see why they get Ā£100,000 worth of radar for 9 tweets. 10k per tweet which might i add has already been lost on there twitter accounts under a spam of other shills. and nearly every account has been bot pumped.

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yes,100% agree you too.These kolā€™s tweets are like a joke.

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and on top of that they kicked one off the team saying they wasnā€™t good enough like none of em were good enough tbf and thereā€™s no excuses for anyone of them with them sorta methods to be KOLā€™s? i donā€™t understand it fire them allā€¦start again with people who will market dappradar.

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What you playing at @LunarStrategy ??? we gave you 11,000,000 Radar and you are proing bots up and not real users?

So whats the plan??? how much of the Pro Airdrops you been assained to own with bots? a $2 airdrop in my future cuz you got payed to pump are pro with bots is not something i look foward too i dont care how much u payed team whats the plan???

Cuz if Mni_Ya is right and that is a bot and it did pro i know the plan right nowā€¦ and it stopsā€¦right nowā€¦ cuz again $2 pro airdrops is not something im looking forward to in the future. while you collect 1000ā€™s of $2 airdrops. and this goes for any company looking to take advantage of are community any moreā€¦ we aient cattle, and i sure as hell aient gonna bust my balls on some contribute to earn programm that sees me up against robots and a.i cuz that aient fair, i know for a fact you wouldnt even bother trying to compete you just turn the switch on and off and have cheek to call it talent.

I dont know what ur doing on the selection commtie but its best u stay over there and stick to doing that instead of trying to pro up ur marketing bots and what ever else u had planned with ur bots. least this way ur doing something benfitical for us plz.

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Hey community, July was a productive month and we focused on boosting DappRadarā€™s presence through meaningful collaborations and engaging content. By working closely with key influencers and creating targeted articles, we helped highlight DappRadarā€™s offerings and reach a wider audience. We are super excited to present the second month of our collaboration.

July report

Best, the Lunar team.

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So the only measurement we are behind is:
Followers Reach: Aim to reach approximately 1,500,000 followers monthly.
Also some of the post have 14.5k views, but you count 20.5k impressions, for example: x.com
Can you explain why to someone who never operated social media account with more than 100 followers :smiley:

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Hey Ned. Great question!

Impressions involve more factors, such as likes and comments, while views simply indicate how many people have seen the post.

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Hey, updated links in this presentation: DappRadar x Lunar Strategy July report

I think something is not right here. Impressions are the number of times a post was seen on X. A screenshot from the Twitter analytics is attached. Likes and comments are engagement. Views, in terms of Twitter, are ā€˜video viewsā€™ or ā€˜media views.ā€™

If you are adding the engagement metrics to the impressions, the example that Ned gave still doesnā€™t add up to 20.5K impressions. So the question is, did the post have 20.5K impressions and then drop to 14.5K? If yes, why did that happen?


Hey, youā€™re right. The report should say ā€œImpressions + Engagementā€ instead of just ā€œImpressionsā€ at the beginning. The rest is counted as you described.

Regarding the post Ned mentioned, Iā€™m not sure where he got the number 20.5K from. We specifically track impressions, likes, retweets, and comments. Since publishing, the post has shown a slight increase in these metrics.


After the update of the report seems all numbers are correct.

Hey community, August was a good month and we focused on showcasing the gamified approach and features, such as quests. We also collaborated with KOLs to promote the Airdrop Explorer and PRO membership, underscoring their benefits for users and airdrop hunters.

Hereā€™s the August report:-).

August report

Best, the Lunar team.

Hey @LunarStrategy, do you mind elaborating on what you consider ā€œa good monthā€?
Investment was 2x but impressions down by 70% in comparison to July. To be honest, Iā€™d not consider it a good month but maybe Iā€™m missing some details here :smile:


Hey @dominykas. In July we had lots of press going out that resulted in high impressions. In August we increased in impressions for KOLs.