Which chain do you want to see RADAR on next?

The aim of this post is to get the community feedback on which chain should RADAR token be deployed next. DappRadar was always a supporter of the multichain paradigm and we have embraced this since the beginning of the project in 2018. RADAR will be eventually deployed on all the major chains, but we want to carefully start with the one that will bring the biggest benefits to the product and the DAO.

There are 38 chains integrated in the main DappRadar products, with Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BNB Chain), Polygon and Avalanche being some of the most popular among users and dapp developers alike.

Which chain do you want to see RADAR on next?

  • Binance Smart Chain (BNB Chain)
  • Polygon
  • Avalanche
  • Other

0 voters

Beside just voting, it would be great to share the thinking behind the vote: why do you think deploying RADAR token on that chain will bring benefits to the ecosystem, DAO and community?

Your involvement is needed to increase the chances of success, and any information or knowledge you have about bridging to different chains, liquidity provision strategies on multiple chains and anything related to this will greatly benefit the DAO. RADAR is here for enabling us to work together, let’s do it.


Proton chain would really interesting, zero gas fees.


Vote for Avalanche, Polygons are sometimes very slow, Protons are less attractive, and BSC is too plain.


Wow you are doing great.
I voted to polygon but if I could vote multi I would choose Avalanch too.


Polygon is the moveee


polygon but its slow some times but all money is going to polygon nowdays so idont know about future but for now best move is polygon


Polygon of course, it can go far and in my opinion, it’s better than BSC.

On BSC we find too many useless scam tokens. I vote for Polygon and hope RADAR will be on it. Do not forget it’s a layer 2 so a logic suite of ETH, very reliable and with very very low fees…

BSC has made his time. I may be wrong but wasn’t some changes planed on BSC by the way? so what are we waiting for Polygon?


ELROND NETWORK ! first carbon negative blockchain ! decentralized ! scalable to 100 000 tps as the network grow ! also very fast blockchain wtih nearly no fees.


polygon is my first vote on this, polygon prove that we can trust it and also more people involve with it


Pancake swap has the most users and that’s what should be pursued, not people’s personal preferences for chains. I personally want to see Cardano but I don’t think that is the smartest decision.


I agree bsc is the most used chain now with most of the TVL.
Besides that one polygon Ftm rsk plus many good option for speed and security.
I would suggest we go to busy chain with lots of traffic to start with and then later go to the new and hyped chains.

Thanks for giving us a vote

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I would like to prefer Binance Smart Chain

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I tend to bet on EVM compatibility - where the most code is being written and where the most used dapps are being deployed.


I have voted for BSC (BNB Chain). Let me explain why:

BSC is one of the biggest chains listed on DappRadar by engagement and platform users. That means that a large portion of DappRadar daily users are actively using BSC as their main chain, therefore the total addressable market is bigger than the other chains currently mentioned in this thread.

Selecting the chain with the biggest TAM will be a wise choice as there are more potential users interested in the RADAR token.

DappRadar products that support BSC:

  • Dapp Rankings
  • NFT Rankings
  • DeFi Rankings
  • Portfolio Tracker (Tokens, DeFi, NFTs)

BSC metrics on DappRadar:

  • More than 2850 listed dapps (30% of all dapps listed on DappRadar)
  • Over 14M BSC related pages visited in the past year
  • More than 4M users discovered BSC dapps in the past year
  • More than 180 articles and reports published on BSC related topics/dapps

PancakeSwap (main DEX on BSC):

  • $4.45B TVL
  • 83.62M total visits in the past 3 months
  • Constantly one of the most popular dapps across all blockchains listed on DappRadar (ranked by no. of users)
  • NFT-friendly - they have their own NFT collections and a NFT marketplace

Binance Smart Chain is now evolving to BNB Chain, which might bring some benefits to the chain, more exposure, stability, on-chain governance mechanisms.

I like Polygon a lot as well, but based on the research and the total addressable market, I believe the BSC might be better first step.


Polygon is Eth lite. So please go there next. All the mentioned chains are good though.

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I think it’s natural to place radar tokens on other chains, but…
I object to being able to claim radar token airdrop with another chain.
The team made it clear that they had no plans to charge Airdrop as another chain, and I don’t think it’s polite to a person who received a radar token after paying a high gas bill


BNB Chain!!! Polygon is a Shit!!

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BNB chain and Polygon this is awesome community. Lets go

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BSC then Avalanche, then Polygon, ETH Gas fees are not good for poor people like me xD


BSC is simpler and cooler on the BINANCE exchange