DappRadar DAO Newsletter - July 2023

gm DappRadar fam and Web3 explorers,

Have the first six months been eventful for everybody in Web3? Absolutely. Despite the regulatory challenges, we see more adoption across the board. The entertainment industry, games industry and even financial sectors are looking at blockchain technology, and therefore it’s great that we, the community of DappRadar, are at the forefront of dapp discovery.

In the past month we, once again, had quite some developments. However, you can expect even bigger product updates by the end or right after the summer. Keep in mind, we really want your feedback on the products we’re launching. So, please join our Discord and let us know. This helps us to improve the product and see how we can effectively grow a more sustainable and value alignment community. You are DappRadar DAO,


Community updates

Right now, our Ambassador Pilot Program is 1 month old, and oh, we’re halfway there. Our ambassadors have been creating social media posts, doing live streams, reaching out to dapp developers, and many other activities to spread the word about DappRadar and onboard new people into our community of Web3 enthusiasts and dapp developers. In July we expect the program to accelerate its output and results, and we will analyze the program’s success next month.

Interested in meeting our ambassadors? Simply look them up on our Discord.

RADAR token updates

This June, Nathan provided an extensive deep dive into the ApeSwap Treasury Bills Campaign. The follow-up campaign has been a huge success for the DAO, but even more so for the community members who bought some of those bills. Read the full report by Nathan here on the Forum.

Media coverage

DappRadar is all about dapp discovery and, to a lesser extent, about memecoins. Therefore we had difficulty catching the hype cycle surrounding PEPE and other cryptocurrencies. This resulted in a drop in media coverage, as we were mentioned 2,221 times in June.

However, with coverage from The Defiant, Fortune, CNBC, Reuters, Coindesk and Yahoo! Finance, we can once again say that top media keep their eyes on DappRadar.

Published reports

In June 2023 our research team published a total of 4 reports. However, the content team has also begun creating more dapp focused reports, adding another 2 to the mix.

  1. May 2023, Dapp Industry Report
  2. Blockchain Games Report, May 2023
  3. Beyond Ethereum: Theta and Tezos Defy NFT Market Downturn
  4. Web3 Resilient Against US Crypto Regulations
  5. Can Apple Vision Pro Turn Around the Metaverse Market Downturn?
  6. New Dapps Report: Azuki Elementals

Exclusive PRO content

The DappRadar content team has started to create exclusive content for PRO members. We have published a report about the rise of DeFi in 2023 so far. In addition, we’ve been updating a calendar featuring all kinds of NFT, metaverse and gaming events, including product launches, network upgrades and NFT sales. Check it out, if you’re PRO.

Product updates

Our product team regularly provides Product Release Notes in our Docs. In June we had quite some updates to our product. Let me give you a quick rundown of 5 of the most impactful updates.

  1. RANKINGS - Rankings have seen a major graphical overhaul. It now includes a sidebar where you can switch between different Rankings instantly. However, this is just a starting point for the next iteration of Rankings, which we expect some time after the summer. See the updated Rankings.

  2. STAKING - V1 and V2 Staking are no longer active, and RADAR holders need to unstake their tokens and then restake them into the PRO membership portal. Stake 30,000 RADAR to unlock PRO.

  3. ALERTS - PRO users now have even more options to create Alerts. They can receive alerts about new dapps hourly, daily or weekly. Alerts will soon also expand to more chains, and will later on include different parameters to fine tune your alerts. Set your Alerts now.

  4. INTEGRATION - DappRadar has now integrated SKALE into its multiverse of tracked blockchain ecosystems. Developers can now list their dapps on SKALE through the developer dashboard. You can find SKALE dapps in the Rankings.

  5. BITCOIN - DappRadar now tracks NFTs on the Bitcoin blockchain, aka Bitcoin Ordinals. You can find them among the Top NFT Collections if you filter by “Bitcoin”.

Marketing campaigns

The DappRadar team works with many influencers and Web3 companies to spread the word, share information and connect. Over the past month things weren’t different, and we attended many Twitter Spaces, podcasts, and real-world events.

On Discord we’ve had Ringo, one of our ambassadors, playing various Web3 games together with the rest of the community. In addition, we organize Twitter Spaces on a weekly basis with some of the top Web3 gaming companies in the market. We even expanded our activity on Twitter with DAO Dialogues, where Nathan connects and shares experiences with some of the most interesting DAOs in the industry.

Furthermore, our marketing campaigns go beyond talking about projects. Of course. We’ve also done some awesome giveaways, including one oriented at dapp developers (Xternity) and one for gamers with AQUA. Coincidentally both are still active at the time of writing.

If you have any ideas for marketing collaborations, reach out to our team or ambassadors through our Discord.

New to DappRadar DAO

What is DappRadar DAO, and how do I get involved? Read all about how we see the DAO evolve, and what the future will hold for DappRadar as the number one discovery platform for decentralized applications in DeFi, gaming and all other product categories.

We also advise anybody to read the whitepaper. And if you want to understand our product a bit better, feel free to dive into our Docs.

Community question

What was your favorite update from June? Let us know in the comments.


Thank you for the summary of 6 months activities.

My favourite recent update is the tracking of Bitcoin Ordinals. :orange_heart:

And thanks for the amazing Twitter Spaces that have occurred during the last six months also.


It was a great first month as an ambassador, and it’s a real honor. Now, taking some air to dive deeper in the DappRadar Ecosystem and understand things better, but the horizon looks great, and i’m eager to do more, end involve myself more with the community also! Congrats everyone for an awesome month!


Let us know what you would need to learn more about us. For example, we’ve got the Glossary on docs.dappradar.com – so maybe have a list of core DappRadar terminology, or a quiz to test your DappRadar knowledge, that kind of thing?


Great! i’m gonna look into that! Thanks for the tip

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