DappRadar DAO Newsletter - January 2024

gm RADAR fam,

Best wishes for the new year, let’s work together to make 2024 unforgettable! :partying_face:

The festive month is now behind us, and this is the right moment to reflect and look forward towards the horizon. We still have a lot of work to do, to truly become the community-owned World’s Dapp Store. But first, let’s look back at the developments that happened in December 2023.

Market sentiment is turning increasingly bullish with the Bitcoin ETF around the corner. But, what’s even more exciting are the developments in the Web3 industry. Products with onchain functionality find their way into consumer apps more and more, pushed forward by technology that offers user friendly experiences with low gas fees, or none at all.

We’re excited about 2024, and we hope you will be with us as we venture towards decentralization to become the community-owned World’s Dapp Store.

Now, let’s get started. LFG!

RADAR token updates and DAO developments

December has been a huge month for RADAR, because we celebrated the second anniversary of our utility and governance token. We did so in style, because after a week of Quest celebrations we announced the move to Polygon. That’s right, RADAR is now available on Polygon. This means you can also become a PRO member through the Polygon version of RADAR.

In December we welcomed 65 new PRO members to our family, bringing the total to 515 Web3 explorers. If we spread the word together, we can push this to 1,000 PRO members. That would mean a total of 30,000,000 RADAR would be locked in the contract.

DappRadar is currently working on creating a campaign to bring more visibility to RADAR on Polygon. Stay tuned for more information about this, and find out how you can contribute!

What is new on DappRadar?

While the RADAR celebration was a big highlight in December, we also reached some milestones with our product. We have integrated Linea, bringing visibility to the ConsenSys L2 ecosystem. In addition, DappRadar also hosts the Linea ecosystem page, creating a central discovery point for all Web3 users interested in this ecosystem.

In December, we also announced to be validators of the Theta Network. This is in addition to us informing you about our validator activity for Chromia late November. It’s clear that DappRadar is becoming not only a consumer platform that supports economic and social distribution by distributing data and users but also supporting technical decentralization by becoming a trusted node validator. As DappRadar decentralizes, we’re proud to support others in the industry to do so too.

The final development of December 2023, was the partnership with EtherMail. Through this partnership we set up a new communication channel with our community. Those who are interested can open an EtherMail account using their wallet address, and then follow DappRadar. In addition, those who hold RADAR tokens in their account get automatically added to our mailing list. EtherMail allows for tailored communication based on the contents of your wallet. Cool stuff, especially when we want to reach the anonymous group of RADAR token holders.


In December we published 2 reports, both of them looking back at the industry developments in November. The Dapp Industry Report for November 2023 got quite some media mentions, and we recorded a yearly all-time high in active wallets.

When it comes to the BGA Games Report for November 2023, we noted a serious increase in trading activity surrounding metaverse land. While NEAR rose to prominence, MotoDEX became the game with the highest number of active wallets.

PR and Media

As the industry turns bullish, we’re seeing increased demand for data about Web3 applications, or entire chain ecosystems. DappRadar has been preparing for that, and the increased traffic to our newly launched Chain Pages highlight the demand for such data.

Despite December being a generally slow month for media mentions, we only saw a 5% drop to 2,820 total mentions. The success of OKX NFT Marketplace and their activity with Bitcoin Ordinals became a hot topic in the Web3 community, so much that this story became one of the hottest of the month.

Media like Fortune, Forbes, Yahoo Finance, CoinTelegraph and Bloomberg used DappRadar to enrich their editorial content. In addition, crypto media such as Decrypt and BeinCrypto utilize DappRadar regularly.

It’s clear that DappRadar is trusted, and that our data helps journalists to write better reports.


December is often a month of looking back, but we also looked towards the future. We did this through various Spaces events on X. During the month of December we organized or co-hosted a total of 5 spaces:

  • Navigating the Blockchain Landscape, with Michael Ionita (2400 listeners)
  • Introducing DappRadar Quests, with various partners and Michael Ionita (1000 listeners)
  • DappRadar DAO Dialogues, with Nathan Vandy (229 listeners)
  • Introducing Linea, with Robert Hoogendoorn (609 listeners)
  • Reflecting on the Evolution of Dapps in 2023, with Sara Gherghelas (330 listeners)

These Spaces allow our community to discover new projects, gain insights and get new ideas. The alpha in these chats is pretty hardcore Web3, but those who educate themselves and surround themselves with likeminded people can leverage the acquired knowledge. That’s why these Spaces help our RADAR community.

Closing words

Every day more dapps deploy on an increasing number of blockchain networks. These can be dedicated L2 networks on top of Ethereum, or entirely new L1 networks that function more like a sidechain. As more chains and more dapps hit the market, it becomes increasingly difficult for people to stay up-to-date and find the best decentralized services possible for them.

You can find games in the Epic Games Store, or SocialFi platforms in the AppStore. But DappRadar is the platform where you can find the data. What are the trading volumes of that particular game? Which SocialFi dapps have the highest influx of new users over the past week?

That’s why the community needs DappRadar. One place, all the alpha. We are building the World’s Dapp Store together with you, LFG!


nice read thanks rob still think pro numbers is still low nice to know we saw 65 new people in 1 month with them numbers tho a 14.4% increase is nice =)