Ambassador Program Season 2 - Discussion

We might have to find new nicknames :grinning:


Thank you, Sidney, for the input. With these binoculars, we are looking forward to seeing how this will grow.


The transition from Ambassador program into contributor model appears like a level-up to me.
In a way, it is a means of enrinching the existing dappradar community rather than actively working to onboard new members. And somwehow, that sounds good, seeing that more value will be added to the community, and this will strengthen the brand and attract new users effortlessly. So it’s a yes for me.

It is good that we try the new approach and see what the outcome will be, a positive one, certainly!
Efficient planning of tasks and orientation of selected members will contribute to how smoothly the whole thing goes.

Kudos to everyone who’s keen on contributing value to DappRadar!

With love and more, Berry.


what u mean user names? if u think i should i will lol. =P

Carried this name around with me since i was a teen lol…

Never mind ur on about the community knight lol noooooooo i like it…whos got a problem with it apart from the haters…lol